The Best Pressure Points for Migraines
There are over 40 pressure points that can be used for migraines and headaches. The most effective points are located on the hands, feet, ears, and head.
In this page I will discuss some of the best pressure points for migraines. These points can work fast, but they need to be properly stimulated. Getting results with pressure points requires the right dosage and intensity of stimulation. Simply pressing the points for a short time will not be strong enough for many people. However, when the points are properly pressed they can work quickly and effectively.
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Pressure Points on the Hands for Migraines and Headaches

The most popular pressure point for migraines and headaches is known as LI 4 (Union Valley) and it is located between the thumb and index finger. In the image, it is the green point. LI 4 is one point that can often produce a good response with pressure alone, but it helps to understand how to best apply acupressure on this point. Near LI 4 is another point known as 22.05, this point is located near the wrist and where the base of the thumb meets the long bone of the index finger (2nd metacarpal bone.)
The other points in the image may also be used for headaches and migraines and work in slighly different ways. Some of the points work best for migraines that oocur with pain in the front of the head. While other points work better when there is pain in the temples or back of the head.
The points near the knuckles typically dont work very well with pressure alone. However, when used in a tapping routine some people will get pain relief. This tends to work best for migraines in the early stages, headaches, and when stress or emotional factors contribute to the problem. For severe migraines with intense pain, it is often necessary to use strong intensity stimuation on these points with an electrical device or with acupuncture. ​​​​
The pressure point SI 3, also known in tapping as the karate chop (KC) point, is the first point used in many tapping protocols. This point has a strong connection to the spine, neck, and brain. It is used for many painful conditions when the back, head, and neck are affected.
For migraines that start in the back of the head (occiput) SI 3 is often one of the most important points to use. Similarly, for people with neck pain that is related to migraines or headaches, this is a key pressure point to work with. To get the best results with this point use tapping, electricity, or have an acupuncturist needle it. Applying pressure to this point with your own hand and fingers rarely gives results, but tapping on it as part of a larger tapping sequence can be effective when stress and emotional tension are related to the pain.
The Science Behind Hand Points for Migraines & Headaches

The pressure point LI 4 is one of the most frequently studied points. It has been shown to release endorphins, which are your body's own pain relieving chemicals. Endorphins are naturally produced by your body and work similar to morphine and other opiates. This makes them very powerful for stopping pain.
Other points in your hand, such as 22.05, work in a similar way, but 22.05 may even be stronger.
The two points, LI 4 and 22.05 can be used together and can be enough for some people to get relief when adequate pressure is applied.
Pressure Points in the Ear for Migraines & Headaches
When stimulating the ears several methods may be used including pressure seeds (ear seeds), metal pressure probes, acupuncture, and electrical stimulation. As a home rememdy for migraines, ear seeds, metal probes, or electrical acupressure devices are best to use. In my healthy migraine coaching program, I teach my clients how to properly stimulate their ears with these various methods. The key to getting effective results is using the right points, providing strong enough stimulation (but not too much), and getting the right dosage of stimulation. We can measure dosage in terms of strength of stimulation and how frequently the points are stimulated.
The ear has many points for relieving pain and stopping migraines, and ear points are unique because they have a direct connection to your brain and neck. A very important nerve called the trigeminal nerve goes to the upper part of your ear, and when it is stimulated properly it can produce pain relief. It is common that ear points can stop pain in as little as 2 minutes. To get results this fast depends on stimulating the right point with the right amount of stimulation. If you try to apply pressure with your thumb and fingers, it probably wont be enough to get a good result.
The right way to stimulate the ear points is to use an electrical device to stimulate the points, a metal ear probe,
or ear pressure seeds.

Common Mistakes When Using Pressure Points​
The most common mistake that people make when they first start using pressure points for migraine relief, is that they don't stimulate the points strong enough, frequently enough, or they don't combine them properly. Ideally, it is best to use at least 3 - 5 pressure points at a time. If you only use one or two points, it won't be strong enough. However, if you use too many points, you can over stimulate your body. Using many points also makes it difficult to know what points work best for you.​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​
Pressure Points in the Feet for Migraines & Headaches

The feet have some of the strongest pressure points for migraines but are some of the most challenging to reach on your own. This is due to the location of the points and also because it can be difficult to apply pressure to the points. Some points commonly used for headaches and migraines include Liver 3 (LV 3), Gallbladder 41 (GB 41), Gallbladder 42 (GB 42), ST 42, 66.05, and 66.03.
​The points LV 3 and 66.03 are located between the big toe and second toe and are frequently used for most kinds of migraines and headaches. They are especially useful when the pain is located behind the eyes, at the top of the head, or when migraines occur with auras or nausea.
​For migraines that start as tension headaches, or are often felt in the temples, GB 41 and GB 42 are some of the best points to use. ​When pain is felt in the forehead, front of the face, or in the sinuses the point ST 42 or 66.05 should be added to the routine. ​​In some cases, it may be best to use all of these points together.
How to Use Pressure Points for Migraines
​When most people think about using acupressure points for migraines or headaches, they think about applying pressure with their thumbs, fingers, or by using a grasping technique where points are squeezed between the thumb and fingers. While this can be effective for some points, or when applied by a qualitifed therapist, typically applying pressure yourself is not sufficient to get a good result.
Imagine trying to give a massage to yourself, sure you might be able to reach some areas, or do some simple techniques, but it's nothing like receiving a complete massage from an experienced massage therapist. The same is true with using pressure points, you may be able to have a small effect, but you wont get the full benefits.

Since you will only be able to get minimal benefits by applying pressure by yourself, it is essential to learn how to properly stimulate the points with varoius methods. We offer courses and coaching for those interested in how to get real and lasting results using pressure points to alleviate headache and migraine pain.
The primary things we teach in our classes and coaching programs are listed below with descriptions of what they are useful for.
Self Acupressure

Applying pressure by yourself with your thumbs, fingers, or palms. This can work on some of the points, especially if those points are in a muscular region that is easy to reach. The acupressure point LI 4 is one such area, as it is easy to reach, and easy to apply pressue to. However, the points between the knuckles, although easy to reach, dont tend to respond well with pressure alone because the stimulation is not strong enough to reach the deeper levels of the muscles and nerves.
EFT and Tapping

Tapping on points is surprisingly effective for many conditions including migraines, headaches, pain in general, anxiety, depression, and more. Tapping works best for migraines and headaches when stress and negative emotions are a cause of the problem. For instance, tension headaches that occur due to stress or anger can often be alleviated with EFT. Tapping is also useful for people that have migraines and a lot of emotional suffering. The tapping can help to reduce the emotional pain.
Electrical Devices

This is one of the most effective ways to stop migraine pain. These devices apply electrical stimulation that is strong enough to affect the nerves and cause the release of your own body's natural pain killers. These machines also allow us to precisely target specific points and nerves that are known to have therapeutic effects, stop pain, release muscle tension, and more.
Acupressure Tools

There are many different tools that people can use to stimulate pressure points. These include everything from wooden pegs that are pressed into points and acupressure mats that you can lay on. The mats work very well for back and neck pain and can help to increase circulation and reduce muscular tension. I used one as a supplemental treatment when I had sciatica and the results were very effective. While it was useful, it was necessary to also get acupuncture to help with the sciatica.
Other Natural Remedies and Complementary Therapies for Migraines
There are several natural remedies and alternative therapies that may help alleviate migraines. Acupuncture, massage, and yoga have all been shown to have potential benefits for migraine sufferers. These approaches focus on promoting relaxation, reducing stress levels, and restoring balance to the body and mind.
When using acupuncture and massage for migraines, it is helpful to include pressure points and other home remedies for migraines to get the best results. While acupuncture is effective for migraines, it may require 2 - 3 treatments per week when you first start. This can be time intensive and cost prohibitive for some people. Learning to use pressure points on your own can reduce the number of acupuncture treatments needed, and it gives you the knowledge and ability to heal yourself. Over time this can save you a lot of time and money, while empowering you to do self-care.

​​Making dietary changes, such as avoiding trigger foods and staying hydrated, can also play a role in managing migraines. Some individuals find relief from migraines by keeping a food diary and identifying specific triggers that may be contributing to their symptoms. By making targeted dietary adjustments, some people will experience fewer and less severe migraine attacks.
Furthermore, mindfulness practices such as meditation and deep breathing exercises can help reduce stress and promote emotional well-being. This may in turn lead to improvements in migraine symptoms. By incorporating a combination of natural remedies and complementary therapies into your routine, you can take a holistic approach to managing migraines.
Seeking Professional Help for Migraines
​While natural remedies can be beneficial for migraine relief, it's important to seek professional help if you are experiencing severe or persistent symptoms. A healthcare provider can help diagnose your condition, rule out any underlying causes, and recommend appropriate options.
If you are interested in learning what pressure points can do for migraines, then watch some of our videos, and schedule a call with us so that we can guide you through the process and tailor our methods to your specific needs. Working with a professional can ensure that you get the most out of pressure points and get the relief that 1,000's of people have benefited from. ​

Additionally, in our programs we can help monitor your progress and make adjustments to your treatment plan as needed. We can also provide guidance on integrating alternative treatments with other migraine management strategies, such as medication, lifestyle modifications, stress management techniques, and more.